lifelong researcher @ PSU Architectural Engineering Department & College of Information Sciences & Technology
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EEB HUB SIMULATION PLATFORM, Spring 2013 - Spring 2014
SIMULATIONS are techniques of representing the real world with the virtual world. The PLATFORM includes server hardware, a cloud operating system, & a suite of interconnected software tools. The EEB Hub Simulation Platform is web software to support decision making in building retrofit projects. My role as Software Integration Lead drove the code development and user interface design. IT infrastructure setup included 4 servers, VMware private cloud, & 19 virtual machines. I also managed the integration of 10 software packages from 13 organizations including DOE, MIT, CMU, PSU, UPenn, UTRC, IBM, NREL into EEB Hub Simulation Platform on Node.js & Ubuntu. After months of coding, the tool empowers building industry stakeholders to make informed decisions on how to REDUCE ENERGY consumption in BUILDINGS. View this tool at VirtualPULSE: BUILDING ENERGY SIMULATION WEB APPLICATION, Fall 2011-Summer 2012 The tool encapsulates an online web interface with building specification fields, geometry importing, 3D visualization, the Department of Energy’s EnergyPlus simulation engine / outputs, and computational fluid dynamics airflow analyses. First, we outlined the steps taken to develop a web application, configure an Amazon server, setup a testing environment, and install EnergyPlus onto a web server. Second, we developed a methodology to narrow the initial energy model to the minimal number of building input parameters. Future research will explore the optimization of more complex mechanical systems as well as urban scale simulations. View this tool at ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING THESIS, Fall 2011 - Spring 2012 ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS (EEB) HUB, BIM to BEM, Fall 2011 The Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster (GPIC HUB) for Energy Efficient Buildings is a $129 million grant by the Department of Energy led by the Penn State Architectural Engineering Department. The program seeks to transform the building industry into a virtual, vertically integrated industry that designs and delivers integrated systems having innovative, dynamically integrated and interacting subsystems. My work is focused around the data transfer between a Building Information Model (BIM) to a Building Energy Model (BEM), through leveraging both my Architectural Engineering & Information Sciences & Technology degrees. Learn More URBAN ENERGY MODEL SIMULATION PLATFORM, Spring 2011 My work for this $2 million NSF funded project has been focused around classifying campus buildings in order to be able to compare the energy performance of buildings across various campuses. I've also worked with a graduate student at Harvard University in order to collaborate this building classification. Our goal is to create an energy density benchmarking report that spans multiple universities. Learn More BUILDING SCIENCE GROUP WEBSITE, Fall 2010 I worked with Dr. Jelena Srebric and the Building Science Group in order to create a website to highlight the work accomplished in the past, present, and future of those Penn State Undergraduate and Graduate students working under Dr. Srebric in the Architectural Engineering Department. LINK PENN STATE BUILDINGS ENERGY CONSUMPTION ASSESSMENT, Summer 2010 I worked with both the PSU Office of Physical Plant and a few IST Professors to create a more accessible, usable, and predictive system by gathering baseline energy consumption data of steam, electricity, and chilled water of 15 buildings representative of Penn State's campus. This data was later compared to simulation data created by AE 454 (Advanced HVAC). GREEN ROOF PAIRING ANALYSIS, Spring 2010 I worked with an Associate Professor of Architectural Engineering, Dr. Jelena Srebric, and the rest of her research team to install and compare her green roof design atop an existing building with a previously installed green roof atop a similar building. We hope to record several data points from each to analyze comparisons. |
"I hope to use both degrees to develop the convergence between a building and a computer in order to advance the green movement into intelligent buildings with sophisticated energy management tools."